Stephen's end is nigh in Corrie as Jenny calls the police
25th September 2023

It had to happen eventually. No serial killer in Coronation Street has ever managed to get away with their crimes and Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) was never going to be an exception. We knew he would get his comeuppance eventually, we just didn’t know when or how.

We still don’t know exactly when or how, but the net is certainly closing in on Audrey Roberts (Sue Nicholls)’ eldest after the body of his first victim, Leo Thompkins (Joe Frost), was recently found at the building site.

Stephen killed Leo when he got close to the truth about Stephen trying to swindle Audrey out of her money, and since then he’s been busy weaving an ever more elaborate web of lies to cover his tracks, beginning with trying to make out that Leo had gone to Canada.

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When Leo’s dad Teddy (Grant Burgin) began to realise that Stephen might be behind his son’s disappearance, Stephen killed him, too. Teddy’s body hasn’t so far been found, but Stephen has started to get worried that it, too, might resurface from the canal where he disposed of it hidden inside the roof box from Audrey’s car.

Grieving over Leo’s death, in upcoming episodes Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) wonders whether she should pay a visit to his dad Teddy. She reasons that he must be grief stricken – and then has the realisation that it’s very odd he hasn’t been in touch about Leo’s death and plans for the funeral.

Stephen understandably tries to steer her away from this line of thinking, but Jenny’s not to be deterred. Now fearing that something has happened to Teddy she goes to the police and tells Craig (Colson Smith) she’s seriously concerned about Teddy.

The police soon confirm that she’s right to have contacted them. DS Swain calls to say that they have proof that neither Leo nor Teddy ever visited Canada. This surprises Jenny, as she tells them that Teddy must have been in Canada because he contacted Stephen from there.

With Teddy now a missing person and Stephen’s name linked to the mystery of why Teddy appeared to be communicating from a place he never went to, Stephen is starting to seriously sweat.

With Todd Boyce’s exit already confirmed as he’s finished filming, the scene is set for things to unravel for Stephen very quickly – and spectacularly – in the coming weeks.

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