Karen's vile comments about his infertility devastate Reiss in EastEnders
7th September 2023

Reiss Colwell (Jonny Freeman) was left devastated by Karen Taylor’s (Lorraine Stanley) vile comments about his infertility in recent EastEnders scenes.

Karen overheard Reiss and partner Sonia Fowler (Natalie Cassidy) talking about their eventful trip to the fertility clinic the previous day, and instantly wanted to know the gossip.

Assuming that it was Sonia having trouble conceiving, she launched into a story about how her aunty had trouble getting pregnant, before pointing out that she ‘only has to look at a pair of y-fronts’ and she is ‘up the duff’.

In order to save them both from anymore details of Karen’s sex life, Reiss admitted that it was actual him who was infertile, hoping that that would put an end to thinks.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t that lucky.

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Karen thought that this was hilarious, and began calling him nasty names while cackling hysterically.

Reiss was clearly hurt as he stormed out of the launderette, with Sonia quick to follow.

It wasn’t long before his news had gotten all round the Square, thanks to Karen’s big mouth, and it became the main topic of conversation in the Queen Vic.

Sonia soon found poor Reiss sat alone, still upset about being the talk of the town, and was quick to offer him some comfort.

She was quick to point out that it was unfair for people to joke about men’s infertility, as it isn’t a laughing matter, and offered to go and have a word with everyone in the pub.

Reiss insisted that it didn’t matter, though he was clearly still bothered by it, asking Sonia why she would want to have a child with him when he is a ‘loser’.

Sonia assured him that he was the ‘sweetest, cleverest man’ she’d ever met, and pointed out that she’d be happy just being with him forever.

Reiss revealed that he was desperate to give Sonia the chance of becoming a mum again, and promised that he would be able to prove that he wasn’t a joke.

Will he get his wish?

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