OMG The New Saw Trailer Parodies Nicole Kidman's AMC Ad, And It Is FLAWLESS!!!
13th September 2023

OMG the new Saw X ad is priceless!

At the end of this month, just in time for October, the TENTH installment in the torture-filled horror series drops, but instead of trying to scare with their latest trailer they traded screams for laughs!

They took the famous Nicole Kidman ad that’s been playing in front of every AMC Theaters movie for the past two years and put a spin on it — the spin of a tricycle wheel as Billy the Puppet gives his own version, including the already immortal line:

“Somehow self-amputation feels good in a place like this.”

Ha! Ch-ch-check out the perfect parody (below)!

And of course, nothing beats the original…

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